Our Mission
To serve as the best sober living facility in Florida. Our goal is to establish a journey of recovery for our residents and their families, transforming lives in a Dynamic way.
Our Vision
Dynamic Life will be the model faith based sober living facility in Florida, providing the best opportunity for recovery to everyone who is affected by addiction.
Resident Name_____________________________________________________
Resident Signature__________________________________________________
Date: ______________
I, ________________________________, do hereby allow the Manager of Dynamic Life to obtain or release information to/from (name or agency)__________________________________________ for the purpose obtaining the following information: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. This release of information (ROI) is valid for 30 days after discharge from the program and may be revoked at any time.
Signed: _____________________________________________
Date: ______________
I, ________________________________, do hereby allow the Manager of Dynamic Life to obtain or release information from the security camera systems on the property for the purpose obtaining the following information: Information from the security camera system to monitor the safety and security of the Dynamic Life facility.
This release of information (ROI) is valid for up to 30 days after discharge from the facility.
Signed: _____________________________________________
Resident Signature: ______________________________________
The Dynamic Life Recovery Program consists of the following components:
As part the resident’s recovery, the goal of the program is to provide an atmosphere of community and accountability in a safe and structured environment. Developing a mind, body, spirit holistic approach to an individual’s recovery plan provides the resident with a multifaceted opportunity to address the individuals hurts, habits and hang-ups while in active addiction. By empowering residents to take ownership of their recovery with a system of support by staff and peers we will provide an opportunity for a successful program of recovery.
Resident Signature: ________________________________________________
The following code of conduct is designed to provide for a safe and orderly facility and must be adhered to by all residents and their guests. As a faith-based ministry, all staff and residents are to act in an appropriate fashion that aligns with God’s word. Additionally, we are to be good stewards with all possessions that are at the facility.
Resident Signature_________________________________________
Resident Signature _____________________________________________
Dynamic Life Recovery Community is committed to ensuring the safety of our residents and their visitors. In accordance with our Policy and Procedures, visitors are permitted in accordance with State law, including children. The policies outlined below are in place to protect all parties involved:
Resident Signature _________________________________________________
In addition to the National Association of Recovery Residences (NARR) and the Florida Association of Recovery Residences (FARR) Code of Ethics, the following guidelines shall govern the way we conduct this ministry and shall be used as a benchmark for developing and administering all policies, operating procedures and decisions for our clients and the community:
Resident Signature__________________________________________
Resident Signature______________________________________________
Resident Signature_____________________________________________
Resident Signature_____________________________________________
Resident Signature_____________________________________________
Resident Signature_____________________________________________
In the event it is determined there is an emergency at the facility, call 911 immediately and notify management. Direct able-bodied assistants to help in accomplishing the following protocols:
Resident Signature_____________________________________________
Management endeavors to create an atmosphere of dignity and respect and expect that issues can be worked out reasonably amongst the parties involved. In the event this is not possible, residents shall be able to contest any corrective action taken against them by management or a dispute with another resident.
Resident Signature_____________________________________________
Resident Name: _____________________________________
Date of Submission___________________
Resident Signature: __________________________________
Apt. #: _________________
Reason for the Grievance: (Include your statement of events additional sheets if necessary)
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
How would you like the grievance resolved?
Management Decision:
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
Date: __________
Management will meet with the grievant within seven (7) days of receipt.
Residents may contact the Florida Association of Recovery Residences 561-299-0405 or farronline.org with any questions
Resident Name: ___________________________________,
Will hereby be residing at the residence below while part of the Dynamic Life Recovery Community program in accordance with the terms outlined in this Agreement. Current program fees are: _______
Dynamic Life Recovery Community
Apartments 1922-1942 21st Avenue
Vero Beach, FL 32960
Apartment #_______
Resident Signature____________________________________________________
Manager Name and Signature ____________________________________________
1. To reside in a community-based, residential setting with other persons in recovery, who together, form the functional equivalent of a family and to enjoy this domicile without interference and/or intimidation from neighbors or any municipal authority.
2. To receive and review a Resident Welcome Packet prior to any request for rent or to execute legally enforceable documents. At a minimum, the Resident Welcome Packet must include:
2.1. Residents receive an orientation on agreements, policies, and procedures prior to committing to terms.
2.2. Written residents’ rights and requirements (e.g. House Rules and grievance process) posted in common areas.
2.3. Written resident agreement that includes:
3. To reside in a home that is alcohol and drug-free. Resident has a right to hold Residence Management accountable to effectively monitor abstinence and uniformly implement the consequence for a return to active use as published in “House Rules & Consequences”.
4. To expect that, in the event the resident were to return to active alcohol and/or drug use, management will follow their protocol(s) as published in the Residence Welcome Packet.
5. To always be treated fairly, respectfully and with dignity by fellow residents, management, staff and neighbors under all circumstances. (continued)
6. To expect fellow residents to honor their commitment to maintain a clean, orderly and safe residence for all inhabitants to share equally.
7. To be provided a clear, safe and accessible path for communication of concerns regarding the resident’s own well-being, the well-being of fellow residents and/or the wellness and safety of the entire household.
8. To expect that, should an assessment be made that the resident has need of a higher level of care, management will counsel the resident regarding this assessment and make reasonable effort to transition the resident to a more appropriate provider.
9. To self-determine and direct their personal recovery plan and to rely on fellow residents for honest appraisal, encouragement and continued support of their positive actions towards building recovery capital.
10. To a receive, upon request and within a reasonable response time, copies of all documents executed by the resident, receipts for all payments made directly by and/or on behalf of the resident by any third party, transcripts of any entries made by staff to the resident file, any drug urinalysis report.
11. To be provided a clearly defined protocol for filing a grievance with FARR.
12. Residents are entitled to file a grievance against the provider without retribution.
Resident Responsibilities:
Resident Signature_____________________________________________
NAME: ____________________SIGNATURE: _____________________
Guidelines for Schedule
Salvation Army
2655 5th Street, Vero Beach
772.9778.0265 (call for hours of operation)
Alcoholics Anonymous
Hot Line 772.562.1114
Our House Drop-In Center
2183 Ponce De Leon Circle, Vero Beach
772.532.7166 (call for hours of operation)
Narcotics Anonymous
Hotline 772.232.8676
United Against Poverty/Up Store
Harvest House Food/Human Services
1400 27th St, Vero Beach
772.564.9365 (call for hours of operation)
Celebrate Recovery @ Freedom Church
455 58th Avenue, Vero Beach
Thursday 7 pm (transportation is provided)
Food Pantry of Indian River County
2206 16th Avenue, Vero Beach
772.770.2068 (call for hours of operation)
Celebrate Recovery @ Fairlawn Baptist Church
3003 Rhode Island Ave, Fort Pierce, FL
772.461.0814 Friday 6:30pm
The Source Meals/Homeless Services/Programs
1015 Commerce Avenue, Vero Beach
772.978.0202 (call for hours of operation)
Treasure Coast Community Health (TCCH)
Medical/Dental/Behavior Services Indian River County
St. Helens Catholic Church
Food Pantry 1031 18th street, Vero Beach
772.567.5129 (call for hours of operation)
Volunteer Opportunities of Indian River County
Pathway Church Food Pantry
1105 58th Ave, Vero Beach
772.562.2256 (call for hours of operation)
Indian River Human Services
1900 21st street, Vero Beach
Bike Walk Indian River County (Free Bike)
GoLine Public Transportation
Out by 10AM Depending on work/school/IOP/STEP/volunteer schedule
12 Step Work/Meet with Sponsor or Advisor/Recovery Meeting
New Covenant Bible College 6:30pm (you are free to audit the classes. There is no credit towards a degree unless you are a registered student and tuition is paid)
Garbage to Curb
Curfew: 10PM to 6AM
Out by 10AM Depending on work/school/IOP/STEP/volunteer schedule
10AM Dynamic Life Recovery Meeting
12 Step Work/Meet with Sponsor or Advisor/Recovery Meeting
6PM Dynamic Life Recovery Meeting
Recycle to Curb
Curfew: 10PM to 6AM
Out by 10AM Depending on work/school/IOP/STEP/volunteer schedule
12 Step Work/Meet with Sponsor or Advisor/Recovery Meeting
6:30PM Legacy Minded Men Meeting
Curfew: 10PM to 6AM
Out by 10AM Depending on work/school/IOP/STEP/volunteer schedule
10AM Dynamic Life Recovery Meeting
12 Step Work/Meet with Sponsor or Advisor/Recovery Meeting
7PM Celebrate Recovery Meeting
Garbage to Curb
Curfew: 10PM to 6AM
Out by 10AM Depending on work/school/IOP/STEP/volunteer schedule
12 Step Work/Meet with Sponsor or Advisor/Recovery Meeting
Room & Apartment Checks
Every first Friday of the month is a deep clean inspection.
Curfew: 12AM to 6AM
Out by 10AM Depending on work/school/IOP/STEP/volunteer schedule
12 Step Work/Meet with Sponsor or Advisor/Recovery Meeting
Curfew: 12AM to 6AM
Out by 10AM Depending on work/school/IOP/STEP/volunteer schedule
Church Meetings
12 Step Work/Meet with Sponsor or Advisor/Recovery Meeting
6 PM Community House Meeting
Curfew: 10PM to 6AM
TEXT 741-741
CALL 800.273.8255
1000 36th STREET
MAINTENANCE REPAIR REQUEST FORM All requests for maintenance at the facility must be submitted in writing on a maintenance request form available from any staff member. All requests will be addressed within five (5) days or when the repair is able to be made.
Dynamic Life Maintenance Request
Date_______________ Apt.#_____________________
Name: _______________________________________
Item Needing Repair:
Action Taken: _____________________________
Staff Init._____________Date________________
Dynamic Life Maintenance Request
Date_______________ Apt. #_____________________
Name: ________________________________________
Item Needing Repair:
Action Taken: _________________________________
Staff Init._____________Date_______________
Dynamic Life Maintenance Request
Date_______________ Apt.#_____________________
Name: _______________________________________
Item Needing Repair:
Action Taken: __________________________________
Staff Init._____________Date_____________________
Dynamic Life Maintenance Request
Date_______________ Apt. #_____________________
Name: _______________________________________
Item Needing Repair:
Action Taken: __________________________________
Staff Init._____________Date_____________________
Residents may request an overnight stay outside the facility. This is a privilege that is part of the Dynamic Life Recovery program. This policy does not guarantee an overnight approval. Consideration for approval is based on adherence to our recovery program requirements and common recovery principles to help residents remain sober for life. Sexual relationships have shown to be a detriment to a resident’s recovery, especially those early in their recovery journey. Criteria for consideration will be:
Resident Name: ___________________________________________
Date of Request: ___________________________________________
Reason for Overnight request: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Location of Overnight: _______________________________________
Dates of Overnight: _________________________________________
Contact Person at Overnight Location and Phone Number: _________________________________________________________
By signing this request, if approved, you hereby authorize the management of Dynamic Life to contact the person at the overnight location to verify the information on this form and to contact them during your overnight visit. This release of information request shall be valid for ninety (90) days from the date of the request.
Resident signature: _________________________________________
Manager name and signature:
Circle One: Approved Denied
Our Mission
To serve as the best sober living facility in Florida. Our goal is to establish a journey of recovery for our residents and their families, transforming lives in a Dynamic way.
Our Vision
Dynamic Life will be the model faith based sober living facility in Florida, providing the best opportunity for recovery to everyone who is affected by addiction.
- The residents of Dynamic Life Recovery Community have a reasonable expectation of confidentiality. The staff and mentors may share an account of appropriate items with each other as it relates to the resident’s stay at Dynamic Life Recovery.
- The staff will not share any information regarding a resident’s participation in the Dynamic Life Recovery Program with anyone outside the facility without a signed Release of Information (ROI) consent from the resident. This includes, but is not limited to, family members, employers, etc. The form is contained in the Resident Handbook as well as the office.
- The staff will maintain a file on each resident and kept in a secure place.
- Residents will respect the anonymity and privacy of all Dynamic Life residents.
- Exceptions to these protocols includes but is not limited to; if a resident states that they want to harm themselves or others, there is a medical emergency, court ordered or suspicion of child or elder abuse.
- An ROI is not needed for a release of information to the resident’s sponsor.
- An ROI is not needed for a Parole Office or Case Worker or any other government office, as there may be times when it is necessary for the staff to inform them of information regarding the resident and his participation in the program.
- Residents will be required to sign an ROI for the use of the cameras on the premises.
- ROI’s will be valid until 30 days after discharge from the program and may be revoked at any time.
Resident Name_____________________________________________________
Resident Signature__________________________________________________
Date: ______________
I, ________________________________, do hereby allow the Manager of Dynamic Life to obtain or release information to/from (name or agency)__________________________________________ for the purpose obtaining the following information: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. This release of information (ROI) is valid for 30 days after discharge from the program and may be revoked at any time.
Signed: _____________________________________________
Date: ______________
I, ________________________________, do hereby allow the Manager of Dynamic Life to obtain or release information from the security camera systems on the property for the purpose obtaining the following information: Information from the security camera system to monitor the safety and security of the Dynamic Life facility.
This release of information (ROI) is valid for up to 30 days after discharge from the facility.
Signed: _____________________________________________
- Residents will attend approved weekly recovery meetings (i.e., DL, AA, NA, CA or CR). The number of meeting requirements are as follows: The first 30 to 180 days is five per week with at least two of them Dynamic Life meetings. After 180 days, four per week with at least two of them Dynamic Life meetings. The number of required meetings in a Last Chance Agreement (LCA) will supersede this requirement during the terms of the LCA.
- Residents will work a 12 Step recovery program under the guidance of a sponsor. Managers and residents cannot sponsor current residents. Residents must obtain a homegroup and sponsor or a temporary sponsor until a permanent one can be found, within fourteen (14) days of arrival. Residents will get involved with their homegroup and be open to suggestions from their sponsor, managers, and their spiritual advisor. Residents will inform their sponsor that a manager may call him to obtain information concerning their recovery and any difficulties they may be having.
- Within fourteen (14) days of arrival, residents will find work, attend school, go to outpatient therapy, or do volunteer work for the duration of their residence. Residents who participate in our scholarship program will attend STEP as part of this requirement, if applicable. However, for residents with no financial plan upon admission to the program, the resident must find work immediately or within seven (7) days of arrival. All residents are expected to be out of their apartments by 10am to accomplish the activities listed above except for work schedules which must be approved by management. Those who are volunteering at an approved organization shall be required to complete at least twenty (20) hours of volunteer service. Additionally, the resident will be provided with a form to account for their hours of service. Exceptions must be approved by the staff.
- Residents will submit a weekly report form, as provided by management, detailing their activities from the prior week. The report will include but not limited to job searching, work schedule, recovery requirements, and daily activities. The report will be given to the manager, or his designee, every Sunday at the house/community meeting where they will obtain a new weekly report form.
- Residents will be required to attend the Dynamic Life House Meeting every Sunday at 6pm or as determined by management. It does not count as a required recovery meeting.
- There will be no cell phone use during meetings at the facility.
Resident Signature: ______________________________________
The Dynamic Life Recovery Program consists of the following components:
- Dynamic Life classroom teaching
- Onsite recovery meetings
- Legacy Minded Men
- Celebrate Recovery
- Spiritual Advisors
- MAP Care Solutions Peer Support Program
- Life Assessments
As part the resident’s recovery, the goal of the program is to provide an atmosphere of community and accountability in a safe and structured environment. Developing a mind, body, spirit holistic approach to an individual’s recovery plan provides the resident with a multifaceted opportunity to address the individuals hurts, habits and hang-ups while in active addiction. By empowering residents to take ownership of their recovery with a system of support by staff and peers we will provide an opportunity for a successful program of recovery.
- A resident’s progress in the Dynamic Life Recovery Program is measured via reports from the managers and advisors. Those reports are then documented by the staff and placed in the resident’s file.
- As residents work their recovery program, we believe that the most important thing they can receive is positive, caring reinforcement. The progress recorded in a resident’s file is used by the staff to evaluate any requests by the resident such as overnight privileges or curfew extensions. As a resident continues to progress in their recovery program, the staff will consider the resident for an apprenticeship to assist the staff with appropriate tasks in relation to the resident’s skill sets.
- While our program does not contain a minimum or maximum amount of time for a resident to participate, our goal as a sober living facility is to provide a safe environment for the resident while working on their recovery program. As residents go through the program, we provide guidance and support so that when they leave, they have the tools necessary to lead a fully productive life in sobriety.
- The goal of the Dynamic Life Recovery Program is for the resident to begin the lifelong process of sobriety and to function as a productive member of society. This is achieved by working a 12-step program, having a continuing relationship with their sponsor and to give back to the recovery community. This is accomplished by sharing their experience, strength, and hope and to begin sponsoring those in recovery. We believe that if we empower the residents in their recovery and encourage them to own their recovery that we will develop leaders who will give back to the recovery community and to the community at large.
- The Dynamic Life Recovery Program takes a holistic approach to recovery including mind, body, and spirit. The teaching and group meeting components are conducted to offer support and knowledge in recovery in social settings with other residents. The approach to renewing the mind, taking care of the body, and exploring the spiritual aspect of recovery will help the resident be successful in his program, and become able to live out their recovery every day.
- The role of the Spiritual Advisor is to disciple the resident and walk beside them, teach them on their spiritual journey to where God wants them.
- New residents will be on a 30-day probationary period after which the staff will meet to discuss and evaluate the resident’s progress and status in our program. This probation period does not preclude management’s ability to discharge the resident at any time during the probation period or during the residents stay at Dynamic Life.
Resident Signature: ________________________________________________
The following code of conduct is designed to provide for a safe and orderly facility and must be adhered to by all residents and their guests. As a faith-based ministry, all staff and residents are to act in an appropriate fashion that aligns with God’s word. Additionally, we are to be good stewards with all possessions that are at the facility.
- Dynamic Life Recovery Community has a zero-tolerance policy on the following rules. Any violation of the following rules will lead to discharge from the program and removal from the premises:
- Possession, sale or use of any illegal drugs, narcotics, alcohol, controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, non-alcoholic beer, wine, or liquor of any kind or unapproved medication or over the counter (OTC) medications/substances as outlined in the substance/medications/storage policy.
- Seeking out behavior is a terminable offense at managements discretion.
- Threats, fighting, bullying, or personal attacks.
- Refusal to submit to or tamper with any drug/alcohol/substance test.
- Theft or destruction of anyone’s property.
- Possession of any type of weapons or explosives.
- Appropriate, ethical, and lawful conduct in our dealings with everyone both on and off the premises. We are representatives, not only of Dynamic Life, but of men in the recovery community at large.
- Appropriate dress at the facility with shirts, shoes and pants being worn in all facility offices. Clothing shall not contain any profanity or profane gestures.
- No horseplay, profane language or profane music shall take place at the facility.
- Residents will disclose to management where they are employed to ensure they comply with restricted places of employment, including but not limited to bars, nightclubs, pharmacies, drug or alcohol related companies, sexual or pornographic venues.
- Residents are required to work their recovery program with their sponsor and mentor, and to attend the required number of meetings.
- There will be no sexual activities on the premises.
- There will be no use of pornography or sexual devices on premises.
- Any financial obligations that are not adhered to will be handled in accordance with the terms of the Financial Obligation Agreement.
- Management and residents and are to maintain a drug and alcohol-free environment.
- Residents will not bring tattooing devises nor conduct tattooing on premises.
- All staff and residents are to be truthful in all their activities.
- Be courteous of nonsmokers at the residence.
- Smoking is allowed in the residence courtyards and parking lot only. Cigarettes, cigars, and smoking devices are to be disposed of properly.
- No smoking (including vaping and e-cigarettes) is allowed in the apartments, class/meeting rooms, offices or within 10 ft of office, class/meeting room doors.
- No loitering in the parking lot and no guests in the parking lot past curfew hours.
- All conduct on property must convey a mature and professional manner to our neighbors and surroundings.
- There will be no loud noise at the facility including music, phone calls or conversations. Please respect the other residents and neighbors.
- Quiet hours are from 9pm to 8am. Residents are to be considerate of noise levels in their apartments and courtyards.
- No visitors can stay on premises in accordance with state law. Females are only permitted to attend the facility if there is an approved event hosted by the staff. Females are never allowed in a resident’s apartment. Male visitors may visit the facility with staff approval. All visitors may be subject to drug and alcohol testing. Children will be handled under the Child Visitation Procedures on page 12.
- Residents will abide with all curfews as outlined in the Curfew policy herein.
- Residents must make their bed each morning.
- All clothing must be hung or folded in the closet or dresser/nightstand.
- Dirty clothing is to be placed in a laundry hamper.
- Luggage and shoes must be kept in the closet or under the bed.
- Towels must be hung on the towel rack.
- No clothing or personal items should be kept on the bed or in the living areas.
- Bathrooms should be kept tidy and organized.
- No open food or drinks should be brought into the bedrooms. Water only please. Sealed food and drinks are allowed.
- No dishes should be left in the sink. They should be cleaned and put away.
- Please keep the apartment door closed when outside smoking.
- Before leaving for the day and going to bed your area should be in order.
- Trash needs to be taken to the garbage area when the receptacles are full.
- Residents should help take/return garbage and recycle on trash day.
- Residents should turn off the TV and lights before leaving for the day.
- Residents will share in keeping their apartment clean and organized.
- Room & apartment checks are done weekly. Deep clean checks are done monthly.
- Clean the grill and drip pan after each use. Turn off the propane tank.
- Residents may not bring any furniture into the residence including electronics without management approval
- Residents who witness anything in violation of these rules should report it.
- Residents must knock before entering another resident’s apartment.
- Residents will not enter another apartment if no one is home.
- Residents will not enter another resident’s bedroom at any time unless accompanied by the resident.
- Apartment doors cannot be locked, unless directed by management.
- Management (including cleaning/maintenance personnel) has to the right to enter an apartment at any time provided they knock first and identify themselves.
- Candles and incense are not allowed in an apartment.
- No pets of any kind are allowed.
- Dynamic Life is not responsible for any missing or stolen items, goods, or money.
- Parking is at the residents own risk and Dynamic Life is not liable for any missing or stolen items, goods, or money nor damage to vehicles in the parking lot. All vehicles must be properly registered, insured and resident must have a valid driver’s license to park on premises. Management retains the right to remove vehicles at any time if a resident has not already done so at management’s request.
- Resident cannot sleep on couch past 8 am.
- Area outside apartment must be kept neat and orderly.
- Deep clean inspections are posted on refrigerators each month.
- Keep kitchen table clean for eating purposes, not storage.
Resident Signature_________________________________________
- Current curfew hours are 10PM to 6AM, Sunday through Thursday and 12AM to 6AM Friday and Saturday.
- Any extensions to the curfew policy must be approved by management.
- Residents who receive a curfew extension are required to notify management upon return to the residence.
- Any violation of curfew policy may result in disciplinary action and a drug test may be required.
- If a resident’s employment requires them to work beyond curfew hours, a copy of their schedule must be given to management. They will be required to notify management upon return to residence.
- If a resident is not present for curfew check and does not have an approved extension and has made no contact with a manager, he will be considered a “no show, no call” and may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge from the Dynamic Life program. He will not be permitted to enter the apartment without contact with a manager.
Resident Signature _____________________________________________
Dynamic Life Recovery Community is committed to ensuring the safety of our residents and their visitors. In accordance with our Policy and Procedures, visitors are permitted in accordance with State law, including children. The policies outlined below are in place to protect all parties involved:
- Before a child visit is to commence, approval must be given by management and permission must be given by the resident’s roommates.
- Children visiting a resident must always be in the presence of their parent and cannot be left unattended at any time.
- No child can be in the apartment of another resident at any time.
- Any visit shall not be longer than two hours in length unless approved by management. No more than two children can be visiting during that time.
- In accordance with Florida State Law, 397.487 (10)(a) A certified recovery residence may allow a minor child to visit a parent who is a resident of the recovery residence, provided that a minor child may not visit or remain in the recovery residence between the hours of 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. Accordingly, no overnight visits are allowed, NO EXCEPTIONS.
- A resident will follow all rules and regulations regarding visitors in accordance with the Dynamic Life Recovery Community Policy and Procedures. Dynamic Life maintains the right to amend the terms of this agreement at any time to ensure the safety of the operation or other residents. Residents will be notified of any change by requiring the signing of a new agreement.
- Any violation of this policy will lead to the resident being asked to remove the child from the premises immediately and may lead to corrective action of the resident. Dynamic Life Recovery Community shall not be held liable for any reason during the child’s visit and all visits will be at the residents own risk.
Resident Signature _________________________________________________
In addition to the National Association of Recovery Residences (NARR) and the Florida Association of Recovery Residences (FARR) Code of Ethics, the following guidelines shall govern the way we conduct this ministry and shall be used as a benchmark for developing and administering all policies, operating procedures and decisions for our clients and the community:
- We Will do Everything in the Light of God, in the Name of God, to the Glory of God.
- We Will Practice Honesty and Integrity in the Conduct of This Ministry.
- We Will Be Trustworthy and Faithful in All Our Actions.
- We Will Be Good Stewards of Everything God Had Provided to Us.
- We Will Honor God and His Word as Our Ultimate Authority.
- We Will Exercise Sexual Integrity in Accordance with God’s Word.
- We Will Be Fiscally Responsible with the Ministry and Residents.
- We Will Recognize and Treat Everyone with Dignity and Respect.
- We Will Not Engage in Handling a Residents Money or Financial Matters, nor will residents engage in any gambling/bartering activities.
- We Will not enter into financial agreements between Dynamic Life Recovery Community and Residents for Work at the Facility.
- The manager will give an orientation concerning this policy to all residents on intake and remind them at House/Community meetings as needed.
- All conduct on premises must convey a mature and professional manner to our neighbors and surroundings, including avoiding loud noise/music, no large groups congregating in the facility parking lot and conduct with friends and family. We must always appear as a residential home in our residential neighborhood.
- The entire facility is to always be kept neat, clean, and orderly.
- Any neighbor who has a concern or complaint about the facility shall be directed to management immediately. Residents are not to attempt to resolve any neighbor concern or complaint issue.
- There will be no lewd, offensive, or profane language anywhere on premises.
- There will be no loitering of residents and guests in the parking lot. Guests are not allowed in the parking lot past curfew hours.
- Any violations of these rules may lead to discipline, up to and including discharge from the program and removal from the premises.
Resident Signature__________________________________________
- Residents will be subject to on-premises searches based on the following circumstances: Pre-entry search, re-entry, random searches, and probable cause searches to ensure the safety of others. All bedrooms will be searched prior to a resident moving into the facility. If a prohibited substance is found during the search, management will meet to evaluate each situation.
- All searches will be done by the manager with either another staff member or another resident or the specific resident.
- Residents are not allowed to have any of the following items at the facility, including, but not limited to: weapons, explosives or fireworks. Additionally, there will be no possession of any narcotics, alcohol, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, controlled substances, or any prohibited substance in accordance with the Substance/Medication Protocols listed in this document and the Policy and Procedures Manual.
- During a probable cause search, management reserves the right to search the resident, their belongings, and vehicles while on the premises.
- Failure to comply to this policy will lead to discharge from the program and removal from the premises.
Resident Signature______________________________________________
- There will be no use of alcohol including over-the-counter items such as mouthwash, cold or cough medicine or anything that contains alcohol or codeine. Additionally, there will be no use or possession of non-alcoholic beer, wine, or liquor of any kind. Hand sanitizer is permitted.
- There will be no use of illegal drugs, narcotics, or controlled substances. This includes but is not limited to: amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, buprenorphine, cocaine, ecstasy (MDMA), marijuana, methadone, opiates, morphine, oxycodone, methamphetamine, fentanyl and hallucinogens. Additionally, any the following over the counter (OTC) medications/substances including but not limited to, inhalants, anabolic steroids and Sudafed are not permitted. Abuse of any OTC medications/substances may be grounds for discharge from the program and facility. Residents may use non-narcotic & non-controlled substance medications as prescribed by their doctor.
- A resident must advise and review with management any prescribed medications in their possession. All medications will be documented on the resident medication record and placed in their file.
- Residents will not share their prescription drugs with any other resident nor use any prescription drug given to them that is not their own.
- All prescriptions must be used as prescribed with no alternate ingestion.
- Residents are responsible for administering and storing their own medication. Management does not dispense any medications.
- All approved medications must be hidden from plain sight, kept off counter tops and shall not be placed in bathrooms or common areas. This includes over the counter medication, vitamins, etc. as provided for in this policy.
- There is zero tolerance for the possession, sale or use of illegal drugs, narcotics, and controlled substances including drug related paraphernalia, alcohol, non-alcohol beer, wine or liquor or any mind- or mood-altering substances such as, but not limited to: Kratom, Kava, CBD, Spice or any other synthetic or natural substance that is unapproved.
- Failure to comply with these protocols will result in discharge from the program and removal from the premises.
Resident Signature_____________________________________________
- Residents will submit to drug/alcohol/substance testing as determined by management. Types of testing will include pre-entry, re-entry, random, probable cause, and accident/incident. A refusal to test will be considered insubordination which will result in discharge from the program and removal from the premises.
- Only management personnel and CRRA may administer drug/alcohol/substance testing. Testing shall be done in the following manner:
- When asked to submit to a test, the resident will report to the office immediately or in the appropriate time given by management. No resident shall leave the premises until the test is completed or it will be considered a refusal to test.
- The resident will be handed a urinalysis cup and proceed to the bathroom nearest the drug testing site.
- The staff will stand witness in the bathroom where the resident is providing his urine sample. The resident will then place the cap on the specimen bottle and hand to the staff member.
- The staff member will then review the temperature strip and the results. If the test is negative, the specimen will be disposed of properly.
- The staff shall fill in the drug testing record and be initialed by both parties. The staff member will then record the test on the monthly testing schedule.
- Gloves will be available during the testing procedures.
- Should a resident test positive without dispute he has been using, the resident will be discharged in accordance with the Reoccurrence and Discharge Policy.
- All drug/alcohol/substance testing is provided by management. There is no cost to the resident except as outlined in paragraph F below.
- If a client refutes a positive test, he has the right to contest the results with an outside source. The resident may stay on premises if it is deemed, he is not a threat to the community and will be handled in accordance with our Discharge Policy. If the outside source finds the client’s test is negative, Dynamic Life shall pay the cost.
- If the outcome is still positive, payment rests on resident. A reconfirmed positive test will lead to discharge from the program and removal from the premises.
- If a resident comes to management to notify them of a relapse or admits any time before a test that they used a prohibited drug/alcohol/substance, the staff will meet to determine the circumstances surrounding the relapse. After reviewing the resident’s file, a recommendation will be made to either discharge him from the program or provide him with a last chance agreement.
- Testing is by urinalysis or breathalyzer only.
- Failure to comply with any of these drug testing protocols will lead to discharge from the program and removal from the premises.
Resident Signature_____________________________________________
- The Manager shall consult with the staff regarding any discharge of a resident.
- Any accusation against a resident shall be investigated and verified and they shall be subject to drug/alcohol/substance testing if necessary.
- Residents discharged for any reason are responsible to pay any outstanding financial obligations to the facility as well as a forwarding address for mail. The facility shall not be responsible for mail left behind if no forwarding address is given. Mail will be disposed of ten (10) days after discharge.
- A discharged client’s possessions will be removed from the apartment as soon as reasonably possible by management if the resident has not already removed them. The possessions will be placed in storage and will be donated after ten (10) days from date of departure or thirty-five (35) days if the resident left for rehab. Management will not be responsible for possessions left behind. Management will search the possessions for valuables and important paperwork.
- Residents will be discharged in accordance with the provisions of this Resident Handbook and the Policy & Procedures Manual. Additionally, discharged residents will have the following time limits to retrieve their belongings and leave the premises in accordance with the circumstances provided below:
- Intoxicated or Life-Threatening Situation: must leave immediately and make an appointment as provided in Paragraph H below.
- Positive Test (non-intoxicated), Behavioral Issue (non-life-threatening), Rule Violation (zero tolerance, progressive discipline, or Last Chance Agreement): one half hour (1/2 hour).
- Abandonment (failure to return to premises after curfew, approved leave, or no notification to management of departure): must make appointment as provided in Paragraph H below.
- Voluntary (notification to management of departure): must be out of the apartment by 6pm on day of departure.
- Successful (Notification & Approval by management, advisor, CRRA, sponsor, etc.): must be out of the apartment by 6pm on the day of departure.
- Management reserves the right to change the time frames above as necessary for the safe operation of the facility.
- All discharges, when possible, should take place when the roommates are home. and shall be witnessed by the staff. Every effort should be made to contact the roommates to ensure none of their possessions are removed by the resident being discharged.
- If a resident does not remove his possessions, an appointment must be made with the manager as to when the resident may come back on premises to retrieve their possessions. Under no circumstances will a discharged resident be allowed back on premises to retrieve their possessions without a manager or his designee.
- All medication left behind by a resident shall be placed in the office in a closed cabinet and kept out of view for a period of 72 (seventy-two) hours. Thereafter, any medication/sharps, etc. will be disposed of in accordance with Florida Department of Health protocols.
- Management reserves the right to notify the emergency contact in the residents’ file. If applicable, probation or parole officer will be contacted as well.
- The zero tolerance rules in the residence Code of Conduct/House Rules contained herein on pages 8-10 of this document will lead to immediate discharge and removal from the property.
- All discharged residents may reapply for the program within or up to 30 days of departure at managements discretion. The ability to reapply does not provide for guaranteed re-entry.
- Discharged residents may continue to participate in the Dynamic Life Recovery program meetings if they comply with the drug and alcohol testing provisions contained herein. Additionally, management will endeavor to provide information on referrals and services the discharged resident may need, including information on higher levels of care, other sober living residences and community programs.
- Management will encourage residents who have successfully participated in the Dynamic Life program to return to the facility to offer their experience, strength, and hope with others in the sober living community.
- Management reserves the right to remove a resident from the facility at any time including, but not limited to, any violation of policies and procedures, code of ethics and code of conduct, safety of the residents as well as post discharge conduct.
Resident Signature_____________________________________________
- Dynamic Life Recovery Community takes the sobriety of its residents very seriously. If a relapse occurs, staff will meet with resident away from the other residents to ensure everyone’s safety at the facility and recommend a plan of action to include a list of detox facilities, respite, treatment centers, sober livings, etc.
- Management reserves the right to notify the appropriate contacts in accordance with the resident’s release of information (ROI).
- Resident is to vacate the premises in accordance with the Discharge Procedures in this handbook on page 18.
- A discharged resident may reapply within or up to thirty (30) days at management’s discretion and if reaccepted to the program in accordance with our policy and procedures, he may do so under the terms of a Last Chance Agreement (LCA) if applicable.
- Management reserves the right to notify the resident’s emergency contact on file.
Resident Signature_____________________________________________
In the event it is determined there is an emergency at the facility, call 911 immediately and notify management. Direct able-bodied assistants to help in accomplishing the following protocols:
- Fire: Call 911 and pull the closest fire alarm in the courtyard of each building. If possible, fight the fire with nearest fire extinguisher until emergency vehicles arrive. Evacuate residents and advise them to gather in the parking lot or a safe location upwind of fire. Have someone staged in the parking lot to direct the emergency personnel the location of the emergency. Get a headcount of residents. Administer first aid if possible until the emergency vehicles arrive.
- Medical: Call 911 and stay with resident and keep the area clear. Have someone staged in the parking lot to direct the emergency personal to the appropriate location.
- Suicide Attempt: Call management staff who are trained suicide prevention evaluators. If there is no imminent danger, contact the police non-emergency number and advise of a suicide attempt. If necessary, call 911 and advise of a mental health issue and keep the area clear. If the resident is attempting to hurt other residents evacuate them if possible.
- Overdose: Call 911. If the resident is in an overdose situation administer NARCAN immediately which is available in the central café or office and notify management. E. Hurricane: Residents will assist in helping to secure the facility including shutters. The Staff will assist residents in seeking official hurricane shelter locations or they may be allowed the option of staying with family or to evacuate to another area.
Resident Signature_____________________________________________
Management endeavors to create an atmosphere of dignity and respect and expect that issues can be worked out reasonably amongst the parties involved. In the event this is not possible, residents shall be able to contest any corrective action taken against them by management or a dispute with another resident.
- Residents will be given the appropriate grievance form as provided by management. Time limits for filing a grievance shall be no later than seven (7) days after the incident occurred. The grievant shall receive a copy of the form and the staff shall place the original in the grievance docket maintained in the office.
- The parties shall set a date for a hearing within seven (7) days upon receipt of the grievance form to review the dispute. At the hearing, the manager or his designee shall provide any evidence for the action taken and the resident shall provide any evidence in support of their case. A decision shall be rendered no later than seven (7) days after the hearing.
- If the grievant does not agree with the decision, they will be entitled to a second review with the pastoral leadership team or their designee within seven (7) days of the first decision using the original form. A hearing time and date will be coordinated with the manager. All decisions made by the pastoral leadership team will be final and binding.
- All grievance hearings shall be heard by a member of the staff who was not directly involved in the incident for which the corrective actions were taken.
- Residents are entitled to file a grievance against the provider without retribution.
- In the event of any ongoing dispute between the resident and management has not been resolved, said resident may also contact the Florida Association of Recovery Residences at www.farronline.info/grievance or calling 561-299-0405.
Resident Signature_____________________________________________
Resident Name: _____________________________________
Date of Submission___________________
Resident Signature: __________________________________
Apt. #: _________________
Reason for the Grievance: (Include your statement of events additional sheets if necessary)
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
How would you like the grievance resolved?
Management Decision:
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
Date: __________
Management will meet with the grievant within seven (7) days of receipt.
Residents may contact the Florida Association of Recovery Residences 561-299-0405 or farronline.org with any questions
- Our program fee is paid each week as determined by management. Additionally, new residents will pay a prorated program fee based on the number of days prior to the beginning of the first week’s program fee. (i.e. if a resident enters on Thursday, he will pay a prorated fee for the four (4) days prior to the beginning of the weeks program fee on Monday).
- Residents may pay the program fee seven (7) days a week in the office when a manager or assistant manager is available. Bi-weekly or monthly program fees must be approved by the manager. Payments may be in cash, check or online at dynamiclifevero.com/facility.
- Residents in arrears more than one (1) week shall meet with the staff to remind them of the program fee obligation and determine why they are in arrears. After two weeks in arrears a financial plan for repayment will be made by the resident or directly to Dynamic Life from a resident’s financial sponsor. All residents in arrears shall have an additional thirty (30) dollars added to their weekly program fees to be applied to their past due obligation until the obligation is paid in full. The resident shall then return to their regular program fee payment. After three weeks in with no payments, the resident will be advised they will be discharged at the end of the third week.
- There are no refunds.
- Upon departure from the program, residents must pay all past due financial obligations. No resident shall be eligible for re-entry until past due financial obligations are satisfied in accordance with our discharge procedures.
- Residents are recommended to have a guarantor for their financial obligations. Residents may have their guarantor make online payments directly to dynamiclifevero.com/facility.
- By signing this agreement, I give permission to the Manager of Dynamic Life to contact my financial guarantor, ______________________ regarding my program fees. This agreement shall be for the duration of my stay at Dynamic Life Recovery Community.
- The resident must notify their guarantor of the terms of this financial agreement.
- Scholarships are currently available during the resident’s stay.
- There are no deposits or additional fees.
- There is no minimum stay nor a maximum stay requirement.
- Any violation of the policies and procedures or the terms of this agreement will result in discharge from the program and removal from the premises.
Resident Name: ___________________________________,
Will hereby be residing at the residence below while part of the Dynamic Life Recovery Community program in accordance with the terms outlined in this Agreement. Current program fees are: _______
Dynamic Life Recovery Community
Apartments 1922-1942 21st Avenue
Vero Beach, FL 32960
Apartment #_______
Resident Signature____________________________________________________
Manager Name and Signature ____________________________________________
1. To reside in a community-based, residential setting with other persons in recovery, who together, form the functional equivalent of a family and to enjoy this domicile without interference and/or intimidation from neighbors or any municipal authority.
2. To receive and review a Resident Welcome Packet prior to any request for rent or to execute legally enforceable documents. At a minimum, the Resident Welcome Packet must include:
2.1. Residents receive an orientation on agreements, policies, and procedures prior to committing to terms.
2.2. Written residents’ rights and requirements (e.g. House Rules and grievance process) posted in common areas.
2.3. Written resident agreement that includes:
- Services provided
- Recovery plan including a move-in (i.e. goals and objectives) and move-out (i.e. contingency) plan
- Financial terms
3. To reside in a home that is alcohol and drug-free. Resident has a right to hold Residence Management accountable to effectively monitor abstinence and uniformly implement the consequence for a return to active use as published in “House Rules & Consequences”.
4. To expect that, in the event the resident were to return to active alcohol and/or drug use, management will follow their protocol(s) as published in the Residence Welcome Packet.
5. To always be treated fairly, respectfully and with dignity by fellow residents, management, staff and neighbors under all circumstances. (continued)
6. To expect fellow residents to honor their commitment to maintain a clean, orderly and safe residence for all inhabitants to share equally.
7. To be provided a clear, safe and accessible path for communication of concerns regarding the resident’s own well-being, the well-being of fellow residents and/or the wellness and safety of the entire household.
8. To expect that, should an assessment be made that the resident has need of a higher level of care, management will counsel the resident regarding this assessment and make reasonable effort to transition the resident to a more appropriate provider.
9. To self-determine and direct their personal recovery plan and to rely on fellow residents for honest appraisal, encouragement and continued support of their positive actions towards building recovery capital.
10. To a receive, upon request and within a reasonable response time, copies of all documents executed by the resident, receipts for all payments made directly by and/or on behalf of the resident by any third party, transcripts of any entries made by staff to the resident file, any drug urinalysis report.
11. To be provided a clearly defined protocol for filing a grievance with FARR.
12. Residents are entitled to file a grievance against the provider without retribution.
Resident Responsibilities:
- To treat each fellow resident and staff member with dignity and respect.
- To remain abstinent from use of alcohol and/or drugs, including those that may be prescribed by a licensed physician, but that are not permissible by the residence, as defined in the Resident Welcome Packet.
- To promptly report any fellow resident’s use of alcohol and/or non-permissible drugs to the designated residence staff to ensure the continued safety and wellness all residents within the community.
- To encourage fellow residents’ active engagement in their own personal recovery plan; respecting boundaries, while providing honest, peer supportive perspectives and suggestions based on experience.
- To welcome new residents, assist in their orientation to the community culture and encourage new residents to participate in residence activities. To make reasonable effort to include new residents in attendance of mutual aid meetings, community chores, communal food shopping, meal preparation and dining as well as inclusion in social and/or sporting activities.
- To abide by House Rules always for the safety and well-being of the resident community.
- To hold peers accountable to adhere to house rules for the safety and wellness of the community and to openly raise concerns regarding a resident’s continued failure to adhere to house rules to a member of management.
- To be mindful for the rights of neighboring families; refraining from use of lewd or vulgar language, elevated noise levels, over-crowded parking, loitering, littering or other actions that might be considered as impinging on the safety and well-being of neighborhood persons, family members and property.
- To maintain personal space and all common areas in a clean, orderly fashion and to voluntarily contribute to the maintenance of both the interior and exterior of the residence as established in the residence’s “House Rules & Consequences” and/or orientation documentation provided in the Resident Welcome Packet.
- To be mindful of physical, mental and dental needs and take necessary action(s) to address those needs. If doing so requires external support, it is the resident’s responsibility to make their need for assistance known to peers and/or staff with advance notice to provide them an opportunity to support the resident.
- To pay program fees and any other fees as agreed and maintain a record of such payments; including retention of each receipt provided by owner, manager or staff at the time of their payment.
Resident Signature_____________________________________________
NAME: ____________________SIGNATURE: _____________________
Guidelines for Schedule
- Fill out this form in its entirety each week. Please include recovery meetings, job schedule, daily activities, etc. If you need more space, use the back.
- Residents must be awake by 10 am and prepared for their daily responsibilities. Exemptions to this rule must be approved by management.
- Residents must be employed, volunteering, in school, in STEP if applicable, or IOP within 14 days.
- Residents must maintain their recovery guidelines. Meetings, 12-step commitments, advisor, church, sponsor, step work, service work, etc.
- Fill out the bottom box in its entirety each week as well. How did you work your recovery this week? If you need more space, use the back.
Salvation Army
2655 5th Street, Vero Beach
772.9778.0265 (call for hours of operation)
Alcoholics Anonymous
Hot Line 772.562.1114
Our House Drop-In Center
2183 Ponce De Leon Circle, Vero Beach
772.532.7166 (call for hours of operation)
Narcotics Anonymous
Hotline 772.232.8676
United Against Poverty/Up Store
Harvest House Food/Human Services
1400 27th St, Vero Beach
772.564.9365 (call for hours of operation)
Celebrate Recovery @ Freedom Church
455 58th Avenue, Vero Beach
Thursday 7 pm (transportation is provided)
Food Pantry of Indian River County
2206 16th Avenue, Vero Beach
772.770.2068 (call for hours of operation)
Celebrate Recovery @ Fairlawn Baptist Church
3003 Rhode Island Ave, Fort Pierce, FL
772.461.0814 Friday 6:30pm
The Source Meals/Homeless Services/Programs
1015 Commerce Avenue, Vero Beach
772.978.0202 (call for hours of operation)
Treasure Coast Community Health (TCCH)
Medical/Dental/Behavior Services Indian River County
St. Helens Catholic Church
Food Pantry 1031 18th street, Vero Beach
772.567.5129 (call for hours of operation)
Volunteer Opportunities of Indian River County
Pathway Church Food Pantry
1105 58th Ave, Vero Beach
772.562.2256 (call for hours of operation)
Indian River Human Services
1900 21st street, Vero Beach
Bike Walk Indian River County (Free Bike)
GoLine Public Transportation
Out by 10AM Depending on work/school/IOP/STEP/volunteer schedule
12 Step Work/Meet with Sponsor or Advisor/Recovery Meeting
New Covenant Bible College 6:30pm (you are free to audit the classes. There is no credit towards a degree unless you are a registered student and tuition is paid)
Garbage to Curb
Curfew: 10PM to 6AM
Out by 10AM Depending on work/school/IOP/STEP/volunteer schedule
10AM Dynamic Life Recovery Meeting
12 Step Work/Meet with Sponsor or Advisor/Recovery Meeting
6PM Dynamic Life Recovery Meeting
Recycle to Curb
Curfew: 10PM to 6AM
Out by 10AM Depending on work/school/IOP/STEP/volunteer schedule
12 Step Work/Meet with Sponsor or Advisor/Recovery Meeting
6:30PM Legacy Minded Men Meeting
Curfew: 10PM to 6AM
Out by 10AM Depending on work/school/IOP/STEP/volunteer schedule
10AM Dynamic Life Recovery Meeting
12 Step Work/Meet with Sponsor or Advisor/Recovery Meeting
7PM Celebrate Recovery Meeting
Garbage to Curb
Curfew: 10PM to 6AM
Out by 10AM Depending on work/school/IOP/STEP/volunteer schedule
12 Step Work/Meet with Sponsor or Advisor/Recovery Meeting
Room & Apartment Checks
Every first Friday of the month is a deep clean inspection.
Curfew: 12AM to 6AM
Out by 10AM Depending on work/school/IOP/STEP/volunteer schedule
12 Step Work/Meet with Sponsor or Advisor/Recovery Meeting
Curfew: 12AM to 6AM
Out by 10AM Depending on work/school/IOP/STEP/volunteer schedule
Church Meetings
12 Step Work/Meet with Sponsor or Advisor/Recovery Meeting
6 PM Community House Meeting
Curfew: 10PM to 6AM
TEXT 741-741
CALL 800.273.8255
1000 36th STREET
MAINTENANCE REPAIR REQUEST FORM All requests for maintenance at the facility must be submitted in writing on a maintenance request form available from any staff member. All requests will be addressed within five (5) days or when the repair is able to be made.
Dynamic Life Maintenance Request
Date_______________ Apt.#_____________________
Name: _______________________________________
Item Needing Repair:
Action Taken: _____________________________
Staff Init._____________Date________________
Dynamic Life Maintenance Request
Date_______________ Apt. #_____________________
Name: ________________________________________
Item Needing Repair:
Action Taken: _________________________________
Staff Init._____________Date_______________
Dynamic Life Maintenance Request
Date_______________ Apt.#_____________________
Name: _______________________________________
Item Needing Repair:
Action Taken: __________________________________
Staff Init._____________Date_____________________
Dynamic Life Maintenance Request
Date_______________ Apt. #_____________________
Name: _______________________________________
Item Needing Repair:
Action Taken: __________________________________
Staff Init._____________Date_____________________
Residents may request an overnight stay outside the facility. This is a privilege that is part of the Dynamic Life Recovery program. This policy does not guarantee an overnight approval. Consideration for approval is based on adherence to our recovery program requirements and common recovery principles to help residents remain sober for life. Sexual relationships have shown to be a detriment to a resident’s recovery, especially those early in their recovery journey. Criteria for consideration will be:
- Current on program fees
- Current on our recovery program requirements
- Corrective Action Plan/Last Chance Agreement
- Related to family/marriage
- Recovery events/retreats/sober activities
- Work related
- Dynamic Life Code of Ethics/Code of Conduct
- Residents may request an overnight stay outside the facility using the forms provided by management. When practicable, all requests must be made twenty-four (24) hours in advance.
- The number of overnights is predicated on length of time at Dynamic Life. Returning residents will start over for overnight eligibility.
- Any restrictions to overnights based on a resident’s specific recovery plan/Last Chance Agreement or corrective action shall supersede this policy.
- Residents must get approval from the Manager or his designee prior to the commencement of an overnight stay.
- The number of overnight stays is as follow: No overnights for the first sixty (60) days. One (1) overnight per month after sixty (60) days through ninety (90) days. Two (2) overnights per month after ninety (90) days through one hundred eighty (180) days. Three (3) overnights per month after one hundred eighty (180) days through three hundred sixty-five (365) days. Four (4) overnights per month after three hundred sixty-five (365) days.
- Residents will be substance tested and subject to search upon return to the facility.
- Any violation of this policy will be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including discharge from the program and removal from the premises.
Resident Name: ___________________________________________
Date of Request: ___________________________________________
Reason for Overnight request: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Location of Overnight: _______________________________________
Dates of Overnight: _________________________________________
Contact Person at Overnight Location and Phone Number: _________________________________________________________
By signing this request, if approved, you hereby authorize the management of Dynamic Life to contact the person at the overnight location to verify the information on this form and to contact them during your overnight visit. This release of information request shall be valid for ninety (90) days from the date of the request.
Resident signature: _________________________________________
Manager name and signature:
Circle One: Approved Denied